Date: 2/21/2020
By LaurenTheFierce
I was on a private plane. It was just me, the pilot, and a few passengers. So yeah. The pilot was flying the plane, and I was off working on some gauges in a little place right behind the cockpit. All of a sudden the pilot comes out of the cockpit and tells me that we’re losing altitude. She then ask me why. I check the gauges but I don’t understand them. I shrug and tell her to contact flight control or whatever it’s called. She runs off to the cockpit before then coming back to me. Panicking she tells me it’s too late. We’ve already lost too much altitude. She then leads me to the cabin and tells everyone to brace for impact. Together we both took a seat with the few passengers. Sitting down I looked out the window. We were soaring above a forest during the fall. The trees were all brightly colored red, yellow, and orange. Before we crashed into them I made my final prayers. “Dear God thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I ask that you forgive me for everything I’ve done... If it is your will that I die I accept that. If it’s your will for me to live and be with Liam I accept that as well. You are my Shepard and I trust in you. Amen.” When I finished my prayer I braced for impact. The plane quickly soared down into the forest bellow. It actually landed in a surprisingly smooth fashion. I’d lived.