A Firefight Relived to find abnormal soldiers...

Date: 9/1/2018

By AJacobs

I believe this was a mix of scavenging and ROTC/Military related stuff. Main event near end is I had a vision or went over an earlier event. It was snowy, night, and we were like in a deep backyard. MS III and IV's (Juniors and Seniors in Army ROTC) with me mostly observing. Down below were these four wierdly face shapen friendlies. FBI apparently. I believe I went through this before, but I never got a good look at them and I got knocked out somehow. This time I see them. One has a white mask, the others have bad looking face, off color and grotesque. I say something to the III and IV's. Then the things see me and start lumbering around. first the knock out some guy below us (take in mind we were firing at hostiles in front of us, the mishapen things are below and behind us on this hill. Then the things throw an ice chunk towards us and it hits one of the cadets. I start running away to the side. They focus on me, maybe they meant to hit me and accidently hit another cadet. They leave the group alone and just try and get me with giant, almost volleyball sized ice balls. I'm in like snowpants and am stumbling around not fast at all. Run run run and change direction when I see ice ball in the air. Then there is like a mock (not real looking/small/representation) helicopter to pick me up. I am under it when gets hit and goes down. Then I run into the house. I claim I had a vision of this earlier event and know about the FBI Things. I think when it happened before I was knocked out and I didn't notice anything wrong with the FBI guys/things. At the house there are adults and a couple military people like the head Master Sergeant at the my ROTC Program. It goes onto more mundane of a dream which while writing this I have forgotten. Also there was a bunch which came before this part of the dream... I slept a lot.