Christmas gift

Date: 1/31/2022

By lauriemae

My uncle had given me a Christmas gift. It was a spa type place. So he drove me the 2 hours to get there. The first thing was to shower, so they took me back to that area, for some reason they didn't have lockers or anything to put my belongings. And it was like an all night thing because the lady had told me to have him come back to get me at 10 am, but it was light out, so that's wierd. Anyway it took me forever to get my things put up where I didn't think they would be stolen or get all wet After the shower It was time to eat, but things kept distracting us, so as I was waiting I was by a field where a baseball game was going in and I ran into a few friends. I visited for a bit and next thing I remember is getting a quick tour. They had a camp ground and water park there also. So we went through there and it's a place I have dreamed of before. The big part at the end was a Turkish style bath, but I didn't get that far. I know there was much more to the dream, bit that's about all I remember.