World Trade Center

Date: 9/12/2024

By Purple

In real life, I worked at the World Trade Center in NYC years before 9/11. In my dream, I was attending some sort of class down there, as if I was back in college. In the bathroom stall, I saw what looked like a diary written on notebook page from all those years ago. Upon reading it, it was my own personal experience, written with my full name and dated. I guess it was kept up there as a piece of history. I tried to remember that feeling as I read it, but I couldn’t recall writing that at all. Yet it was clearly in my own handwriting. There seemed to be a reply written on another piece of paper taped to the bottom of mine, with the person’s name and number, about 1-2 years later. I went back to the stall to take a photo with my phone, but it was already taken down. Strange that it was there for decades, with faded ink, and then it wasn’t there any longer. When I came back out, a short lady insisted on checking my hair for lice because she didn’t want to pass it along to her grandchildren. There was something familiar about her. When I woke up, I realized she’s the mom of a doctor I am subscribed to on YouTube .