Date: 11/26/2017
By JayP
I'm Spider-Man. a supervillain has bought out Manhattan and paid every resident 200 million dollars to make them agree to what she's doing. she has put a huge black box around the city, with a ceiling. its big enough to cover all the tall buildings, and all the buildings are now completely blank, flat topped giant rectangular prisms. its like a computer simulation inside. there is only one skylight at the very middle at the very top. the skylight has a probably 2.5/3m inset. the opening is about 2.5m across. nothing goes in or out except air. spiderman (me) decides to investigate with another hero, some guy kind of like namor but he can shape shift. the shape shifter and superman go inside. they find a underneath the skylight there is a big flat top building. all the buildings and walls are black and glossy. we meet this nice family lower down in the box. back up on the big skylight building, something happens and the supervillain shows up. spiderman and shape Shifter guy fight her. he knocks her out, and turns into a big Golden Bear, kind of like beorn. I swing him out to the wall of the box, where he digs in with his claws and climbs up to the Skylight, where he then flies through. the skylight has big aperture blades that will cut anything that touches the skylight wall, or anything it can detect that is slow enough. the shape shifter flies through just before the aperture can cut him. I try to escape too, but my webs keep getting cut. I can't jump or launch myself fast enough for the blades either. the walls of the structure have multiple similar apertures, that seemingly lead to other partitions of the structure. I try and go through those as well, I make it through one, I find the other side has no buildings and just falls off into darkness. I make it back to the side I was on first. I meet up back with the nice family. there's some parents, some kids, and a grandma. I play a board game with the grandma. the dice to roll are in a small plastic container with a purple lid, so that the dice can't fall off of the roof of the building they're on, and into the darkness below. the darkness shrouds everything underneath the buildings. the grandma is kind of light old aunt may. white hair and wrinkly. kind of like Jane Goodall. she's very good at the game. the dice themselves are simply croutons with dots burned into the sides. these people are super poor, even though they have 200million dollars from the supervillain lady. I meet some hot girls on the same building, the same hot volleyball girls I hit on, on the ferry the night before in real life. that was fun. I made up a game with them, similar to the grandma's game. I found a wood wall with slats and we played behind there. you answer 4 trivia questions each turn. you roll 4 dice, and the higher the number on the die, the harder the question you have to answer. for each correct answer you can move ahead one space. first one to the end of the board wins. we were using pushpins to play the game but we didn't get far. spiderman felt guilty about sitting in here playing these games with these people instead of being out there saving the world from this supervillain and her black box. he knew he wasn't trying his hardest to get out. he was enjoying sitting in there playing games, it was relaxing. not stressful like super-heroing all the time. with great power comes great responsibility, but he enjoyed not fulfilling his responsibilities, and that made him feel guilty. he decided to figure out the problem from the inside of the box, and help the people inside the box. I never found out what was next, I woke up. the bit about enjoying shirking your responsibilities but feeling guilty about it, is probably rooted in my real world habits of procrastination.