Flirting with cute girl, then my best friend steals her from me!! >:(

Date: 9/1/2018

By BeastFromTheEast

I was at a grocery store my lifelong friend John. I think I was showing him how to eat healthier or something. Anyway once we were done and had a full cart we get to the cash and there was a really cute girl serving us. She said a little snarky remark and I started flirting with her hardcore. She was liking the flirting and started flirting back harder than I was. It was awsome and she was telling me I was cute too and stuff. Then my friend made me pay for the stuff but with his card. On the debit machine I had to type in TWO 25 character long serial numbers into the thing. As my attention was drawn away from her she started flirting with John instead. I was a little mad 😡. HE ALREADY HAS A GIRLFRIEND!! Why was he trying to take her from me :(. I was mad and I thought “okay just finish typing this number than I can flirt again with her” But I kept losing count of track of the number and typing it wrong because I was so distracted by hearing John flirt with her and I was jealous. She started feeling his arms and biceps and saying he looks hot or something. (Even though he is so skinny he’s been hipiyalized because of it many times due to diabetes) I was so mad! He just took her from me and was being an awful friend. He had a girlfriend why was he taking her from me lol