Kidnapped and a Camp

Date: 7/4/2018

By ShadowOwl

In the first dream I was in bed. I was "asleep" and couldn't do anything as someone broke into my house. The man hoisted me over his shoulder but then went and put me in my parents room and then went to my brother's room and took him. By the time he was gone, I could move again and i quickly woke my parents up in a panic and told them what happened. There was a time skip to the next day. The police had been alerted and my parents were devastated. We went to Wal-Mart to shop. While I was looking around l, suddenly spotted my brother. I ran up to him and asked him what happened and why he was here. He had no idea about anything. I turned around to go tell my parents but the man was right behind me. I started pleading that he take me instead of my brother. He agreed and pulled out a gun. We walked out of store with the gun up against my head. Once we were out of the store, he suddenly yelled at me to get down. He fired on shot at a policeman who had been behind me. He grabbed my arm and we ran to his car. I was in the passengers seat shaking wondering where we were going to go. We were headed to the interstate but the exit was blocked by police cars. He drove down through the grass to avoid them. Once on the interstate, he got a phone call that was on speaker phone. It was his wife wondering when he would be home. Soon her and another female voice started talking about how things were at home. The other woman started talking about a debt she was in where she had to take 700 lives but she was going to try and defer the debt till she died. The wife reminded her that the debt would then fall to her kid. The three continued talked and I listened without saying anything. They had some sort of accent but I couldn't pin point what it was. After the phone call, I talked to man a bit. He said things like they weren't going to kill me to which I responded that my family didn't have the money to pay a random. He then said they weren't planning to ransom me which worried me greatly. Some how I became unconscious and when I awoke I was in a strange house on a sofa. The house itself was old but had a strange warmth and homey feel to it. As I sat up I noticed the man talking with his wife, their female friend I heard on the phone, and another guy who I had not seen or heard before. The wife noticed I was awake and said she was happy to finally get started. She said that my brother's trigger word of "rain" hadn't worked but she was hoping mine did. I started explaining to them that I had no idea what any of that meant and the friend responded that I soon would. The friend asked the guy to take me to the bathroom. There were major alarm bells in my head as he and I walked down the hallway. Before he could open the bathroom door, I opened it and darted in there, locking it behind me. The guy yelled for the others to come since I had locked myself in the bathroom and I was shouting that I was refusing to come out. The wife told me that I had the wrong idea about what they would do to me. The friend said she could pick the lock in about 7 seconds. I hid the best I could and looked around the room. There was a map of Greece and I knew that that was where I was and what their accents were. The lady picked the lock and they all came in looking worried as I cowered in a corner. I then woke up. In the next dream my friend McKenzi and I were looking through a Halloween store. I was looking at the costumes for anything that really stood out while she looked through the decorations. We both exited the store empty handed as I told her that I had to go back to camp but she would be welcome to join me. She did end up coming. There was a time skip and I was back at the building. The place I stayed at was more of a camp/school. My brother also went there and we had made some friends there. I introduced McKenzi to my new friends and my brother. We talked for a bit before the visiting hours were over and she had to leave. I went inside and fell back on to my cot which was really comfortable. I stayed there for a bit before one of my friends came to get me and said I was late. I went upstairs with him and sat down in a computer lab. The woman in charge of everything walked around and monitored us like a teacher. When she came to me she started questioning the tabs I had on my computer. I was trying to explain and show her that I was using them to help me research my project. which was about the school/camp itself. I had pulled up a map which showed we were in Virginia and surrounded by lots of woods for miles out. She eventually stoped judging me and continued looking at other people's computers. After it was done, I went to talk to her in her office. There were pictures in her office of her when she was younger winning beauty pagents. I knew she had won a fairly large one but had her 1st place taken away. She came into the office at this point and started talking about how I needed to train more and how I would be fighting someone tomorrow. Certain people in the camp would be pitted against other people from other camps. Normally, she would have to "make her own fighter from scratch" but I was good enough. I never took it as a compliment and instead it forced me to work harder because I was was underqualified. Tomorrow would be the day to see if I was really good enough because it would be my first fight. I went downstairs and saw my friend again. He would be battling someone soon too. Even though he had been at this camp longer, he was still in the tournament below me. I felt bad as I was just able to skip it because the lady in charge said so. He didn't seen to hold it against me though. He and I met up with our other friends and we started talking about where we wanted to eat tonight. The cloests restaurant was still pretty far and was really expensive. I opted to just stay and eat at the camp. Before the rest of them left we talked about the latest gossip. Two of the teachers who were dating had broken up. The next day the woman and I walked to a side of the building where the grass was cut very short. Waiting there was another girl and another woman. The other woman started talking about what the girl could do. I listened in awe and fear. Then the woman who I was with started talking about me. I kept correcting her on my age because she got it wrong every time. It was suddenly time to start. I quickly realized I had no idea what the rules were because there were obviously some. We were both in a square drawn on the grass in spray paint. Suddenly she charged with intense speed and pinned me down. That was one point for her. She got up went back. I started asking the woman what I was supposed to do when the other girl tripped me. Another point for her. I got up and quickly knocked her down before she even saw me coming. I was able to knock her down again and at this point most of the camp was cheering for me. She and I went at it a bit more, blocking and knocking each other down. In the end, she won and it wasn't even close. I had tears in my eyes but I kept telling myself that it was an unfair battle with from the start and I was not similar to her at all. I woke up after that.