Dreams from Grief

Date: 9/10/2018

By HaysPotato

a bit of background; I'm 15 and I lost my dad about three and a half months ago in an motorcycle accident with my uncle who nearly lost his leg, I was never allowed to see my dad after the accident because the injuries we're so bad they thought it would be best for us to stay ignorant. In my dream I was at some sort of general store that also had a bakery sort of thing at the entrance, I was there with my uncle (who sat outside mostly due to his leg), my aunt, my stepmom, and my grandma (who was crazy before the accident but in my dream she had seemed to have completely lost her mind). For some reason everyone had left to go shopping in the general store and my grandma was left with me, like I said she seemed to have lost it and started grabbing things and drawing on them or putting them in her purse and I had to get on to her like a child. eventually I had enough and took her over to the bakery thinking that would solve the situation, but she managed to get past the glass display and started eating the desserts while the lady at the counter started yelling at us. I apologized for her and started taking the things out of my grandma's hands and shoved them in a box so the cashier could see how much I had to pay for them, meanwhile asking for her to get me a chocolate cupcake and a couple other desserts for my family members. I then paid for them and brought them outside to them before I decided that I had somewhere I had to go really quick so I got in my car and left. when I came back I went to the porch where my uncle was with my other family members, I also saw my dad who was missing a few teeth and had his head stitched together as if he had gone to the hospital instead of just straight to the morgue after the accident. I didn't really realize he was there until I had said something about my chocolate cupcake missing and he raised his hand, looking at me with his stupid grin that he used to give me all the time. I didn't even really react, everything seemed normal so I just playfully scolded him with a "dad, I was going to eat that!" he then shrugged and chuckled something happened after that and someone said "what's wrong with you" I ended up screaming "well for starters, I don't have a fucking dad! I have been forced away from my life and my siblings with no way of fighting back and several other things! what the hell isn't wrong with me?" then everyone just sat there awkwardly until I woke up. apparently I take out my built up stress on my unconscious mind.