Jungkook Dating Scandal

Date: 1/23/2018

By Onii

Here’s another BTS dream I had about Jungkook. The dream started out with tabloids and paparazzi everywhere. There were millions of articles online with the variations of him and I seen together in public. We were friends. Just friends. And when the public assumed we were dating it felt like nothing would convince them otherwise. It wasn’t bad though. As far as fan reactions went, it turned out there were a lot of people who supported us. But we weren’t dating!! And Jungkook was getting on my nerves because when I had confronted him about it he was like “I mean....it’s not bad,” and “It’ll go away”. Boi. If they think we’re dating it’s not gonna just disappear. Eventually all this attention we were forced to have a meeting with Bang PD and this fool was just as annoyed as I was. He was basically like “Wtf? How did this happen?” And Jungkook was like “it’s nothing don’t worry about it,” So the meeting goes on and Bang’s like “Imma fix this. Just wait” and told us we needed to keep our relationship lowkey even if we were just friends so that we didn’t add to the scandal. I agreed and kept my distance from Jungkook as best as I could. But anyway Dean and Zico were hosting this party at this club that I apparently had been waiting to go to for weeks and I told Jungkook about it being that he was my friend. So while I was getting ready—touching up my makeup he was all mopey and shit like “Please don’t go” and “Just stay in with me” and I’m not having that cause I want to go out with my friends. So I end up leaving and going to the party and it was poppin!! Everyone was there and we were dancing and everything it was fun. But of course Jungkook keeps calling me and for a minute I kept ignoring his calls until finally I answer him and he’s on the other line asking where I’m at and if I was coming home soon and I’m like “Boi we ain’t together! And I already told you I’m at Dean’s party!” Which was a stupid move because it turns out he and Jin were filming a V Live and the fans kept asking him to call his “girlfriend” which was me. And during the call he put me on speaker so all his fans heard me go off on him. But I didn’t know this. As I hang up I notice Namjoon in the corner and he looks good. Like damn good. So I sit down next to him and we get to talking and stuff or whatever and the next thing I know we’re making out and everyone in that club is shocked. Like “YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” And of course they don’t believe me when I tell them I’m not dating Jungkook. I went home and of course he’s there on the couch mad as hell. He kept on ranting like “I asked you not to go! Why did you go?! Do you not care about me?!” And I’m like “Dude what?” And he starts crying and storms out and I’m like “Wtf?” And my phone starts ringing but its really my alarm clock and I wake up. :)