Satan and friend

Date: 10/10/2017

By laurenl98

So I was at some camp or being an outdoor camp counselor or something and basically a lot of people were sleeping outside for a big event I think it was for riding bikes Or horses or motorcycles or something rural. Anyway I was away from the group one time and I forget how this all started but I was out with some guy from my company and we were doing something when Satan appears and captures us. He tells us we must kill anyone who did not have sex this weekend and we must take their lives for Satan. It seemed ridiculous so we didn’t do it at first and then we started to become sickly and lose our own souls so we asked who had sex last week and killed some people who said they didn’t and it was very very covert about killing the people. We did crazy things like lure people out of their sleeping bags at the middle of the night and beat them up and even suffocate them because I’m bad at violence. Anyway after we both killed five people, the event is almost over and Satan comes back to us again. We get all nervous that we haven’t killed nearly enough people but Satan doesn’t really seem to care. He just tells us we have to kill one more person each and then we also had to have sex with each other. The last part is gross bc the other dude is a pretty gross human. Anyway so we’re looking around the campgrounds to find out last victims and stumble upon the gift shop/mall section where I’ve seen Austin (my ex) before in the dream. I see him again and I’m all depressed cuz he’s with his friends being all happy and I’m out here being controlled by Satan himself. Anyway I think about killing him but I can’t just because idk I think I came to the conclusion this weekend that I’m still kinda obsessed with him. Anyway so I leave him alone and then I see two other old friends (nick from Budapest and another friend I clearly didn’t care as much about) and I get rly sad because I don’t wanna kill him either so I talk to him about my next rave plans and try to escape quickly. Anyway at this point I leave the gift store mall bc it’s all people I couldn’t possibly kill and I go to the sleeping bag villages bc I could find a random to suffocate and be done with Satan. So I keep searching and there are just too many people and it’s broad daylight so I couldn’t possibly. And so the other guy who’s in this with me (his name is Brad) decides he’s gonna go for his kill around the sleeping bag people and I think it’s stupid and crazy but he decides to do it so I just leave the entire encampment and start running. I pass a lake, tbh the scenery looks like cazadero or northern rural California and I’m searching for any lowlife humanity that I can snuff out and I’m passing little shops and establishments all like 50 miles apart from one another and finally I get to a little town and there’s a michaels Art store kind of thing and I go in and search for anything and I find a stupid calendar with bears and nature on it and rip it in half because it reminded me of the whole Satan thing for some reason and i walk out carrying it and right next door is a grocery store looking suspiciously like Albertsons and right outside the Albertsons is a guy who works there in his vest and he asked why I’m carrying that ripped calendar and i lied I told him I got in an argument with my boyfriend and I’m in a very bad mood so he says he understands but he says that I should take paper to rip up instead and gives me cardstock paper but I don’t rip it i just leave cuz I don’t wanna kill him too. So I walk around this empty grocery store there’s a couple of people floating around but I can’t bring myself to kill any of them and finally I get the idea to kill someone in the bathroom because it’s private and no cameras. I go to the restroom and I find only one person there, as if she was waiting for me to come kill her. She’s an extremely old Asian woman squatting fully clothed on the floor next to the toilet, with the stall door open. She looks crazy and zoned out, like she’s on drugs or something. I have a plastic veggie bag with me, so I just go over and put it over her head and stick my hand on her face to make her die faster and it works and she dies and I immediately leave Albertsons and try to run back to the camp so I can get the stupid Satan thing over with forever.