Found baby bunnies in my dream

Date: 10/24/2017

By LdonnyH24

Right before I fell asleep last night I saw a video on Facebook where this guy found a squirrel nest in the wheel well of a car and he reached in the nest and pulled out a bunch of baby squirrels... Well somehow that video bled into the dream that I had when I fell asleep afterwards. I dreamt that I was walking down the street in my old neighborhood that I grew up in. I walked past a car and saw a big bundle of leaves, fur, and sticks stuffed in between the tire and the wheel well of a pickup truck, it appeared to be a nest and I was curious as to what was in it, so I walked up to it and started digging in the nest. I felt something furry and I pulled it out and to my surprise it was a baby harlequin mini rex bunny it had the Calico fur pattern, long ears, and it looked like it was about maybe six or seven weeks old. a cardboard box just happened to appear next to me so I put the bunny in it I dug through the nest some more and found three more baby bunnies that were identical to the first one and then I found the mom who was also identical but was slightly bigger. I put them all in the Box one by one and took them home. I fell in love with them instantly and I knew for sure that I was going to keep them as pets. I got to my childhood home and then set up a playpen in the backyard and stuck them all in it and I just watch them play...And then I woke up.