Date: 1/28/2025
By precociousoceans
Dream me and my partner got invited or selected for a party with Bam Margera and some other rad people. Total drug party But we had to get there first. At the airport there was a descending escalator that was shut down, but me and her assumed we were still supposed to use it. The airport staff below was only just getting the Prohibited signs ready and yelled at us not to use them as we were taking our first steps. It was too late. We noticed that not only were the steps not moving, but the last steps were hanging in mid-air. The whole thing bounced under our weight. It seemed the best thing to do was to just continue down. Though we made it safely off onto the floor below, the woman who originally tried to stop us was furious. I felt we had just as much of a right to be upset and tried to tell her as much. She argued that there was absolutely no reason someone would use an escalator that wasn't moving. I argued that the escalator at the theater near my home breaks down about once a week and that everyone simply uses it as stairs without trouble. I'm a bit upset that this woman at the airport won't compromise and apologize the way I have and I mention suing. Security guard or air marshal steps in. Cool guy. Not really taking either side, he explains that there isn't enough evidence to support our case that the airline/airport was negligent. He laughs, agrees and shares in our frustration that we might win if we were rich, buy says we might as well move on. There's no way we're getting ahold of that footage and we weren't injured. This guy is real, I feel like we can trust him. Well now we've missed our flight. We reschedule and are waiting around when I get a call from Bam himself. Astounded he called me and afraid of being taken off the party list, I don't answer. He starts to leave a message just giving directions and talking about everything going down before rambling. I pick up and let him know we'll be there, but he clearly isn't even listening. Suddenly, we're there. I think the airport lobby just kind of transformed into the party. I introduce us as Pendler or something like that. Retroactively, the narrative has changed that we were invited because we're the lead members of some band. The main guy, who's home we're at, alludes to our invitation being arranged by marketing and admits he doesn't know who we are. Doesn't matter, party time. Free everything. Someone starts laying out to us every drug that's available, going through a list. He mentions heroin, which I say I'd like to wait till the end of the party to try for the first time if we can smoke it. We can't. He mentions cocaine. I ask my partner. She's totally up for it. He runs off, most of the party moving on and into different rooms while he fetches some coke for us. My partners climbs onto me, and we both talk about how excited we are and how much fun we're going to have. We're already grinding on each other and find ourselves in another room. I decide I need to get us water before we start having crazy coke sex. I head to where 10 or so party peeps are gathered doing cocaine and eating from seafood platters to ask around. Charlie, the wire-haired fox terrier, is there in one of the chairs. He's leaning his back on the rest, sort of standing on his back legs, very high on cocaine. He can also talk. Wide Charlie smile, talking about how fucking great this is, how great everyone is, etc. End of Dream