The Meditation Teacher

Date: 11/25/2018

By Moonstar

I am at a very large store in the back lying down on a couch with special goggles on receiving instruction from a meditation teacher. I see colors but he tells me that is not what I am supposed to see. The goggles and other equipment he has is all held together with tape. There are women coming in through the back door of the store. It is raining very hard and the sky is dark outside. They all through their wet raincoats on the couch where I am lying. I am uncomfortable and really want to get rid of the teacher, I tell him I already read his book but he will not listen to me. My mother and several other women come to where I am. The weather is getting worse. There is some sort of impending disaster and we have to go home but they can’t find my father. I go with them to look for my father wearing the goggles and all. The professor continues to lecture in my ear. We go through the whole store knocking down of the shelves we knock down is full of crayons, green and blue. We have to walk over them. The store has a huge restaurant. My father is eating there at a table all the way in the back. We all want to go fast but he insists on sharing his meal which is pork skin that expands. The meditation teacher is still with us. All along I had thought that my father and mother would be angry that I am walking about with this man whispering in my ear in tow but they don’t seem to notice him although he is driving me crazy because he will not shut up.