Fire Eclipse

Date: 6/20/2018

By royallauren7

I was living in an old neighborhood with my mother and an old man. The neighborhood looked like something out of the 60s. I was a young child and I would go play baseball with the other neighborhood kids. The baseball field was surrounded by corn fields. One evening we were playing as the sun was going down. An eclipse began happening. The moon was in front of the sun and the edges of the sun peaking out from behind made it look as though the moon was on fire. Someone hit the baseball so hard it flew way out into a field. I ran to get it through the tall corn and when I found it and picked it up, it set on fire. I couldn’t feel the fire and it didn’t burn me, but it set the corn on fire. I watched as the field burned and the sun and moon burned in the sky and the ball burned in my hand.