Bad slideshows and driving

Date: 6/19/2017

By MsBananaNanner

I had been making slide show's of different people for an event, but one of the other people I worked with who was going to run the slides decided to mash them all together, even though they weren't done. So they ended up playing a really bad slide show with only half the people in it--the rest were blank pages and such which of course made me look incompetent. I run for the bathroom to hide, but also because I have to pee like crazy, and the other idiot coworker is there controlling the music/slides from like an ihome thing. I try to explain that she shouldn't have messed with things, because the videos weren't done and now it looks terrible. Then she just keeps talking to me about different things even though I'm trying so hard to just go in and go pee. And then she gets all weepy over her daughter Michelle who is going to have a baby, and I'm trying to comfort her and all this. I try to go to the bathroom once more, but end up babysitting her little kids while she cleans something. One is like a four year old girl, the other only a few months old. Thy also have a giant pet tiger that would get block the door to the bathroom if I tried to go in. Finally I'm given the chance to pee. ... I'm driving from one spot to another and going around an exit ramp really fast. I'm also talking to Alisha on the phone and trying to hear the story she's telling me. I try to multitask and stay on the road but my visual line of sight keeps blurring and fading, like I'm going to pass out. At one point I drift way off the road but correct enough to get back on. This happened several times but I managed to never crash. Eventually I get to a point where I'm in a car and my dad is driving. And there are people parked all along this long exit, and they're walking around and everything and cops around. Weird dudes drive up next to us motioning to ask if they can pass. We're like "whatever go" and they almost get creamed out by this giant truck coming the other way