Never Smile at a Crocodile ..... In Munich

Date: 10/2/2020

By Machman

The first thing I remember from my dream is standing at the top of an U-Bahn entrance at street level in Munich. Thinking about this now I am sure there was a series of events that led to this but I can't remember what it was. I am walking down an escalator which is stationery which seems to irk me. A boy is walking up the eacalator, I keep to the right so that he can pass to my left. When I get to the bottom I am on a platform which I believe is the wrong ide from the platform that I believe I need to be on to get my train. A train is pulling in to my left and I look for the stations it calls at. I quickly make a determination that I need to get to the other side, beyond where that train is, to get to my platform. The next thing I know I am swimming in water to get from one side to the other. The water is very clear albeit a kind of greeny yellow colour. A massive crocodile swims underneath me. I don't panic and play dead thinking this is the best way to avoid being eaten. The crocodile continues to swim below me then picks me up with its massive tail. This is where the dream gets weird. I know this thing has got me and there is no escape. So I know I am going to die. However, I can't let that happen in my dream so I manage to pull out a gun and shoot the fucker in the head. The dream goes all red. I know in the dream that this would not happen but I don't want to die so this is the way I am making it work. I wake up.