She Who Kills For Him

Date: 9/8/2017

By InvisabelleSpasian

I was an employee of a building of what reminded me of an office, and that's when I saw her. Pale skin, bright blonde hair, and sky blue eyes that matches her sky blue dress. And she carried a purse that was exactly what I had. We made eye contact. She was so beautiful and angelic, a goddess of the sky and the sea in human form. She was way out of my league and someone like her shouldn't waste her breath on me. I felt awkward, but I found the guts to approach her and comment on her purse, saying I liked it and that I had one exactly like it. Instantly, she flashed her bright smile and said thanks. We made short banter as we made our way to a secluded, darker corner of a room on the floor we were on, facing away the backs from a couple of people. She struggled to pull some things out of her purse, apologizing from time to time. I just told her to take her time because I knew how it was like when I used the purse, too. Finally, she got out some photos and explained how these were of her boyfriend, and I remembered she looked so content and vunereble as she exposed such pure happiness onto me. I take a glance at the photos, readying myself to ask questions about her man and see her be so happy again. I saw my fiance on the photos, young and barely poking a smile as he caught glances at the camera capturing his face at that moment. Confused, I looked up at her. She smiled and signed happily as she stroke the photos with her fingertips, staring at the younger version of my man as she explained that this was her boyfriend and that she loved him when she first saw him. I unconsciously explained that love didn't usually work that way, and that you have to get to know the person first and what they like or didn't like and how they are when you are actually with them. I was preaching, almost reading my version of a Bible to this woman. She stared at me, confused and almost offended. She said that true love can be within first sight. She explained it was a feeling that was irreplaceable, that it was like fire, a flame that continues to grow and burn more in her heart. And that since it was a feeling, it shouldn't be logical, that you just knew that person was meant for you. I agreed, to a point, then asked her how long she knew the man, even though I figured it was probably longer than me since my fiance and I started talking for four years now, almost five, and that it took us about half the time we knew each other to be comfortable and trust each other. She said that she knew him from school, and she would look at him from time to time, admiring him from afar until he moved to Sweden. I knew she knew him longer than I did, but I didn't know the exact number. But technically, I'd like to think I knew him more; quantity over quality. So I asked her if they ever talked. Shaking her head suddenly, she explained how she gets so easily flustered as she even things about him. Baffled, I asked if she knew anything about him. She pondered, but then she instantly said that doesn't matter and that the feelings she has for him were very strong. Almost offended myself, I explained that that's not how relationships work, and that you have to get to know someone and their feelings in order to put half of your responsibility into trusting this person enough to be in a relationship. She rolled her eyes, saying that none of that matters as she heard a rumour that he's currently taken anyway, that in fact, he was married. I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach, my feet gradually getting static and my arms slightly shaking. She glared at me with a scary look as she began to pull out a sharp object out of her purse. I don't remember if it was a pair of thick scissors or a wide kitchen knife, but either way, I was terrified. She was slowly approaching me as she lifted the weapon, looking at me with a devilish smirk, repeatedly saying that the man was hers, and that no one else could have him but her. I fell backwards, scooting my best away from her until I couldn't move anymore. I tried to scream out to other co-workers, but no sound comes out, only air. I failed as they continued to chat and laugh, having fun. I couldn't move, and it was getting hard to breathe, and I watched slowly as the woman was slowly approaching me with the weapon. I remembered this feeling of fear, with the static and the cloudiness of shadows: I was in a sleep paralysis. Terrified for my life, I forced myself to wake up. But I drifted back to sleep the instant I woke up. I blinked, and I was back in the office, but in a different section of the building. People in suits walked around and chatted like everything's normal. I made my way to an elevator and stepped inside, making my way down. For some reason, I felt... wrong. Uneasy. I didn't know what was happening to me. Then, I remembered the woman, her beauty and the terrifying mindset she carried along the sharp blade of her weapon. It terrified me to a point I collapsed on the cold, metal floor, but I quickly stood back up and made my way out of the building to my home, what I rested up for the rest of the night. The next day, I went to college, attending to my classes. Apparently, I was supposed to be in a certain class, and I was running late, due to sleeping in after staying up late at night thinking about that psychopathic woman. I rushed into the room, seeing only some students and an older man all bandaged up lying in a hospital bed in the very back. He gave me a kind smile as he saw me, saying that I had nothing to worry about as he's handling everything. Within a blink, I was back home, in my living room, with the students and the hospital man. It was almost like a small house party, and my other classmates were having fun. We all had Wendy's and ate as we scattered around the house. I stayed near the TV and the window, eating my hamburger and fries. Suddenly, I saw there was another bag near me. When I looked up, I saw a man. I saw my fiance. With a smile, he sat next to me and we ate and shared food as we laughed and had silly conversations. It was nice, and I wish this would happen in real life... if he wasn't 7,000 kilometres away... Anyway, there was a point time fast forward within a blink, and the other students and the old man were all asleep, except for me and my fiance; even our food was all gone. I remembered the woman and asked him about her. He asked what woman. I described her to him, and asked if she sounded familiar. I told him I ran into her at work. He pondered, and he said that if she says that they were classmates, he didn't remember. I felt relieved, he didn't think much of her. A hand landed in my shoulder gently, and my fiance asked if I was alright. I should've told him. I was terrified. And what if she tried to hurt me again? And what if she tried to hurt him? I just told him that I was okay, that I was just curious if he ever got in touch with anyone back from school. He replied no and that simply the only in wanted to get in touch with was me anyway. He leaned in and whispered that he loves me in my way. Giggling, I said I love him, too. And that I love his eyes, his mustache, his puffy cheeks, his lips... Giving little pecks everywhere that I listed. He liked that a lot to where he leaned forward to kiss me quick, smooth and passionate and peed the sensation away from me in an instant. Wanting more, I pulled him in to kiss him again, and we kept kissing until I woke up.