6 dreams

Date: 9/14/2017

By vileplume

these are all from last night and i tried to put them in the right order 1. (this is about the second part i think. idk about the first part) im in my house and my mom says i need to wear a shirt that has plates on it because we were going out to eat. and i look at some laundry baskets for my shirts that have plates on them blah blah (i dont think any of my irl shirts have a design that has plates on them but in the dream they apparently did). i "wake up" in my room and its dark and go to turn the lamp on(?) but i realize i cant rlly move and immediately think im in sleep paralysis and at the moment i get some evil man chuckling sound in one of my ears and i go like "Mmmm" with my mouth to block it out. i slightly move my finger and the hallucination chuckling faded away and i woke up for real. that part was only about a few seconds. (ive never had real sleep paralysis?) 2. im in a school place with other students. we're just there for a tour. they asked if anyone had to go to the washrooms but i didnt have to go then but after we went to the next floor (the school was a couple of floors high) i realized i did have to go and went back down. i found the washrooms but apparently it mustve been a one person at a time bathroom because some other people were standing around waiting too. there was a fancy, kinda big bathroom looking room right across which no one was going in. it had yellow walls and flooring, some mirrors surrounding parts of the walls, about 2 toilets and even a bed like thing. i sat on the bed and looked at the door which looked like it couldnt lock from the inside. i asked the person closest to me if we werent allowed to use this room and they said "no we arent supposed to use that room" in a kind of annoyed voice and walked away. i forgot about having to go to the bathroom and left. the front of the school now has a big grocery store area so when its lunch you can just walk around and pick out whatever food you want which i thought was cool. 3. i dont rlly remember this one. i think it was just a weird funky town like place with a bunch of passage ways leading wherever. one staircase whatever thing led me to a little balcony but it didnt have much of a view bc it was hidden/scrunched up on a side facing mostly roofs. another staircase led me to some inside part of a building which had an open space and was all painted blue. there was some girl dressed up as a starfish(?). i thought this mustve been some game building where they try to chase you/touch you and if they do you lose. she looked like she was wondering if i was supposed to be here (which i did not and wanted to leave) and didnt go get me right away but she started getting closer and i started running away up and down more random staircases. 4. (i think this is a repeat) its night and im at an upper level place outside with few other people waiting for the monorail/train. i walk and look around the area for a lil while until it arrives. we get on it (i guess). im now in more of a small limousine (in the back) with few other people again. its still night/dark and we are driving on the streets of a city with grey old looking buildings. there are some double decker buses driving on the street. i think this all looks really cool and try to take some pics with my phone so i can look at them later. i realize i cant look at them when i wake up because im dreaming and pictures you take on your phone in your dream doesnt magically show up on your irl one (i tend to make this mistake sometimes ahaa. i wish you could see your dream pics though). i reach my destination and is now in a hotel like place but my room looks like its out in the open and doesnt have all tall walls surrounding it but i dont care much because im leaving (i was already checked in). i also seem to share this room with a twin/clone of myself but they dont say anything at all and is not doing much. 5. im in a building room place kinda like a museum exhibition by myself. the exhibition were actually just some different tables with diagrams/pictures of things showing you stuff like a how to have sex and other sexual/genitals stuff however the pictures were drawn and not realistic photos so it wasnt that bad. at the other side of the room theres a little gift shop that just had normal gift shop/store things like notepads/pens/some toys. the store had my dad, brother and sister in it i think. i go grab a pen and notebook because i want to draw. i go back to the museum like area and now theres a bunch of older people there and i want them to leave so i can draw in peace. i announce that they all have to leave and some of them ask why. i make up a lie and say that we have to clean up so they have to go. it looks like some of them are leaving but theyre all slow so i see and go in the room attached to the hall. the room is brown and has a tv and looks like a some old house living room. i move some tables so i can put down my paper and draw but after i check if the pen is working and stuff i start to wake up. 6. i "spawn"(? i guess this is in game) in this really cool minecraft world. the grass/biome is a rlly nice bright green and it looks like a new biome. sort of like jungle but shorter trees and not as crowded. the biome is place right at/cut at the water where there are some nice big islands and to the right of the new biome is a beach area. i thought this was the coolest minecraft world i have ever seen/been spawned in. i went over to the beach area and in the stone mountains/hills side it had an already built in entrance to a medieval like staircase which looked like a dungeon.