Spiritual warfare

Date: 12/8/2019

By bdenson

My sister Debbie came over to see me and I was going to put a tattoo on her shoulder . I got out paint and used the colour green . Next .. she must have stayed over cause we were trying to sleep . I hear a radio program and I believe a preacher was giving a sermon. I then hear Debbie talking out in her sleep , tossing and turning. Next scene.. Not sure if this is a different dream or continue of the sister dream .. but I was in this area a type place with other ppl . A preacher was up on stage and this person was standing up there with him like the preacher was praying for him . He spoke up and said let’s cast this demon out ! Several ppl came up to pray and there was o w guy standing behind them and points his finger at the person and says “in the name of Jesus”!. Then I seen the ppl that had come up to pray for this person starting throwing what looked like white balls at him and one guy got his rifle and got down on the ground and started shooting at him . It was really effecting that spirit on them. They started making some kind of faces . I was just watching them and said yeah ! I like that . .. woke up