Date: 3/7/2020
By Maffiwip
Absolutely wild looking landscape with alien looking shit. Black spikes, moving parts, fog of war. There are these blue / purple /eclipse looking balls of energy that have fallen to the ground and we avoid them. Afraid they might explode. They are very pretty, they’re like the black hole in interstellar. Someone gets an upgrade on their climbing gear and they climb up a hill - the map is huge, crazy huge. World like. Switches to a video game rather than real, the creator says you can use them for money and reveal parts of the map. K says that it doesn’t reveal the oceans and the land isn’t too hard to reveal so we should protect them from others and use them later. Then it changes to me letting my late dog, and going to the bathroom and peeing while my co worker sits on the edge of the bathtub and my manager is on all fours in the tub without pants.