Failure as a Truck Driver and Thousands of Disgusting Flies in my New Room

Date: 9/23/2018

By fluffytree

Been meaning to post this a few days ago so it's just been sitting unposted for awhile, but I had a short dream where I was driving a truck and failing miserably at it. I was so bad that I completely flipped 2 trucks and narrowly escaped before getting myself killed or having it fall on and crush me once out. Then I found myself at my old house still living there but each day a portion of it would get demolished. Finally the whole front part got knocked out which forced all of us to have to move in with this random family down the street who were not nice people at all. I managed to get a room to myself upstairs, but it was dirty and when I left and came back I noticed flies pouring out of this little hole in the wall. The swarm became larger and larger to where there had to be thousands of them just bursting out like a big black mass in my room. It was terrifying and disgusting. I couldn't deal with it and had to leave the room while my mom and sister stayed and tried killing them. I felt like such a failure as a man and a loser and woke up continuing to feel that way.