Sadistic clown nurses

Date: 10/3/2020

By xCaligo

I was watching a small low quality knock off of stephen king’s “It” apparently called “boots” because the clown(s) all wear big rubber boots. There were a few cheesy jump scares then I’m thrust into a world of clowns just like boots the clown white makeup and everything. I start moving around to see where I am and realize I’m in some sort of clown based business area with a big parkinglot to one sider surrounded by buildings for work or something. I climb the front steps after being spotted but there are two many scared clowns looking up at me and gawking. I’m making a scene. I here one of them call for the nurses and then I’m drawn to a car door opening and two clown women in short skirt nurse costumes step out holding massive hypodermic needles there eyes trained on me they both begin briskly walking in my direction and I’m not sure what to do. I make a split second decision and climb the side of the building to a roof. The first nurse to my horror scales my route to the roof more quickly than I did while the other stays down to keep an eye on me. I get moving again and find a small ledge just big enough for my fingers that I could shimmy out on and I begin doing that, the clown nurse closing in quickly, sadistic grin still plastered to her face. She licks her lips puts the syringe between her teeth and contines down my narrow ledge-the other nurse now waiting ten feet below me. There is a wire extending from this building out to a residential one maybe 20 ft away. Its intertwined closly with a powerline which scares me but I have no choice. I begin to shimmy my way along, nurse still slowly gaining I stop for a second to catch my breath and the nurse just keeps coming pausing only briefly to intimidate me by pushing the plunger of te syringe fown slightly pooling up a big drop of something on the tip of the needle. I shudder and keep moving arms aching I feel tingly from the wire. hopefully its not too detremental to my health. I wait at the end, swinging slightly maybe hoping that I can somehow pull something off and kick my pursuor off th roof but I misstime it and then hop off the wire. I make it to the brown shingled roof of this house and realize I’m completely cornered. I’m about ready to just give up and submit when I decide that if I’m gonna be chased by a fucking sadistic clown nurse I should ar least make it a good kinky time. I do what any horny dude would do I unbuckle my jeans and pull out my dick stroking slightly in submission. She’s smiling again needle pointed toward the sky with her other hand at her hip. She staring at my dick and thoroughly enjoying herself. I drop to my knees dick still out in complete submission she kneels down beside me rubs my lip with the back of finger tracing my lips before plunging the needle into my exposed penis. I feel it start to tingle and go numb. A soon as her thumb has fully deployed all the fluid she she pushes the syringe down all the way deep into the shingles below. Pinning me to the roof. She gives me one last evil smile and then leans in to kiss my forward with her thickly lipstick coated lips just before I blackout.