girls, gum and parking

Date: 10/5/2018

By dreakee

I was in the choir room, chewing a big wad of gum. it was the equivalent of about five hubba bubbas and it was painful to chew in my dream. I tried to spit it out in the trash but only 1/3 came put and then I tried again and the same thing happened, but there were strands of gum all over my face and that was embarrassing cause I was at school. this girl started playing the piano and then a guy began to play something to complement it on the other piano across the room. this old cranky guy was the new choir teacher and was like okay one of you flutes have to play too and this girl who played the clarinet began to play but not really because all she was doing was blowing into it and not making any noise except empty air. eventually a bunch of girls began to lay down and cuddle and someone suggest we that we spend the night there and some homophobic bitch was like I am NOT sleeping with that gay girl because I don't wanna get raped in the night and I'm like really. and then I woke up as my mom was driving to a bank and made her own parking spot that wasn't exactly legal.