Citywide night party, Dragon 🐉 struggle, hidden treehouse library

Date: 9/1/2017

By TheNagual

I begin driving down the street during night with Chris and Christian. There's suddenly a mass of people on both sides of us; music and chaos. We deduce it must be a massive party. Chris jumps out and joins in and I park the car and join in too. My first instinct is to dance but I skip to having sex with a larger sized blond women. After some time I was naked and wandering inside a room where the party was still going on. Someone told me everything was up for grabs, no rules tonight! I find the same women and try to have sex with her again, however she was busy running a show. I end up walking around a store, still naked. A police officer out of uniform shared his distasteful opinion, however I made nothing of it because he was only upset that he could not enforce the law. I was inside a fancy hotel with beautiful water streams. Apparently, my reservation had run out, I was only there for a day. I asked if I could stay for free and was asked to leave. Romero and someone else was the attendants. I walk outside wandering what to go now and thinking I am now homeless. I am suddenly with Falls and Grant and we explore around the city, San Francisco? We end up behind a secret lake and we look out at beautiful scenery. I tell them we should swim to the other side where we could explore a lush green pathway that was insight, they didn't seem to want to. A Mexican man sees us and points at us, we were trespassing. I yell at him back and we start escaping the way we came. We encounter three pissed off security officers in the back of a kitchen. I run into the Mexican man and struggle with all my will to get loose. Right in the nick of time I get free for he was about to handcuff himself to me. I plan to attack the other men holding my friends but encounter a red pissed off dragon. I engage in epic battle and have to defeat the monster twice, the second time it turned into a pile of meat which I stomped underneath a carpet. I wander around campus with a trash can I had to take out. I plan to go to the library to talk to women and did not find what I was looking for. I travel around heading to another library I knew about. I see it and climb up a ladder and hoist myself up. A black security officer down below takes note of my strong arms. Inside was a massive library and a male librarian student who greeted me. He told me how he had gotten into Stanford and had no idea what to do after; he had a degree in business. He hands me material for advanced mathematics although I had not planned to work on it. I see Q and he gives me a kiss. I then walk into a computer room where many men were hooded and clothed, as was I. A man kept attempting to mock me. Finally I walk up to him confidently and intimated him. He hid under the desk the entire time.