Date: 8/22/2018
By Mephena
We walked into a Hogwarts like school. I see a lot of my last teachers from last year. I wave to some. When I come across my homeroom teacher we gave each other a hug and talked for a little. Then I was in the girls bedroom for my ‘grade’. Everyone I knew was in there. Then we were outside watching the boys play kickball. It started to rain so me and the girls went over a tree. It seems like it was the next day now. We were all playing kickball as it was starting to rain again. There was a shop like area in the grass that only the girls went into. Soon a crowd Halloween dressed people coming in the shop looking around. Then it started to rain the boys came in the area under the trees. There were not many girls here for some reason. “Everyone stays outside no matter what!” A teacher like voice kept repeating to the boys. I managed to slip out and run to the rest of girls that were hiking back to the house. The field was soaked and covers with water. We managed to get to the gravel area. We made our way down the driveway to the sidewalk up to the door. I noticed that Carly was holding something in her hands. She was making sure it didn’t get wet. “That looks like my cat.” I said to her. “Yeah?” She replied back. She revealed the lion plushy. “It’s a lion.” She said. I looked at the pelt as it was a yellow-tan colour nothing like my cat. That’s where I woke up.