uh kind of a voilent one wtf

Date: 2/26/2022

By ooflla

- i lived in this big house with my family (just us 3 and the animals). there was a living room and kitchen and dining room, then there was some other room which i can’t remember maybe a fort idek, then stairs to a big basement where there was a couch and some dirty carpet around it with the floor tiles half redone. there was a long hallway to my room which was small compared to the other rooms and painted green. it was small but comforting. then if you went to the right of my room there was my parents’ room and it was really big. the walls were all this dark hardwood in their room and the hallway and partially of my room. - we were eating dinner and david was chewing really loud and so i told him to shut the fuck up like twice and he actually did. he was eating beef and just stopped chewing it lol. my mom just looked sad. it made me feel really guilty ofc. i went down to the basement to eat like fine guys i’ll just eat and do my hw down here where it’s “nice and cold and warm” (even in my dream i was like wait huh). so i went down and sat on the couch and started looking at my psych hw. - this girl was like oh sometimes there’s doves in the window hole thing (what’s that thing called it’s in the ground idk) so we went to one and there was a dove and she shot it. she was like done and done :D but when she did it the dove didn’t fully die and it was struggling. this clear liquid starting squirting out of it where it got shot and went onto my shoulder and i tried to move but then it got in my eye. i started freaking out bc i thought it might be poisonous so i was trying to watch a video but it never really said anything helpful and was just this kid looking cool. the girl was like well nothing happened yet and it probably would’ve by now so ur probably fine. - we were back in the basement at this point watching the video and suddenly heard a chicken scream, then my mom scream. then the chicken made some small sad sounds and then nothing. i ran to see what happened and she was outside with a bunch of chickens we apparently owned and the dogs. one of them had randomly killed one of the chickens. she was like WHY DID YOU KILL MY CHICKEN? to pipi. then she put her in the chicken house thing so she would see how it feels to be a chicken (bro idk). that wasn’t the most fun dream