Evil Robot factory

Date: 8/26/2019

By Midnight_Dreamer71

I was ok this very large building and I mean it was huge it had a million stories but it was like a mansion, it had beautiful staircases and weird “playgrounds” and even and outdoor pool! So at first I was with my cousin Noble, and since this was partially a lucid dream, I asked him “so you do known we’re in a dream right now right?” And he said yes, and I think he was just another figment of my imagination because when I asked him what our old club was (it was the fun farting club) he only said “the farting club” but o guess him being a jerk is normal. But anyway we were going through these weird things hanging from the ceiling. They were like the things in a car wash, but they were straight and they were zig zagged. So it was two at a time and there was a lady sort of watching us and I wasn’t with Bible and I wanted to be so I ran in front of two other kids. We were in a dark hallway that was kinda suspicious to me. So I think that the flaps were supposed to do something to you or like erase your memory and give you powers, because it turns out, they were erasing our memories and turning us into evil robots. So I told him and he agreed that we had to get out, except he had gone through the flaps, and was like, awesome! He had like bendy and stretchy powers so he was like elastic girl from the incredibles, yet I of course was nothing but the brain, yet I was okay with that. So, I believe we ran into a room to try to hide from the security guard because she had seen us skipping the things. Do we knew we couldn’t hide in there forever, and there was another door out of the room, so we ran out of it. We found a guy and a girl there and they were adults dealing with a bunch of chemicals, so Noble used his powers to like I dunno fight the man and I took the girl, I punched her, and it didn’t really work, but I had to do something, even if it was gross and a little mean, it was for our safety. I took her head and bashed it into my knee cap feeling her nose crack and seeing the blood coming out of her nose and on my knee made me sick. It was kinda cool though. She dropped to the ground temporarily and I went to help Noble. He had stuffed the guy in the closet and it wasn’t really working. He was a chubby guy so he wouldn’t really give up. I kneed him on the balls and he doubled over then we shut the door in the closet. Noble finished off the girl and I just had to run. I didn’t see Noble much after that but I knew he was okay. I met up with my mom and let her know on the situation. So we were running and we ran into this lady who I just knew was in on it all. We told her that we were looking for someone’s room and she asked who’s. My mom had my back on that one and said “Allie Gibbs”. Apparently that wasn’t good enough so she tried to get us into this huge room with a desk and a chair and the room had 4 doors with locks on the outside. I let her lead my mom in and start talking but I went around to all the doors and locked them. I then waited for them to come out and then, the lady was into us!!! We ran up a beautiful staircase and up and up we went. Until we got to a glass window that lead out to a balcony. There was the pool...... I elbowed the window, me and my mom hopped out and I quickly told her to jump with me into the pool which was so so so so far down. We jumped and at that moment I knew we weren’t making it into the pool. My mom was caught by someone somehow and I don’t even understand how I landed in my feet. There were various other pools below like a stream. We kept into each and found my aunt and sister. We decided we needed to get to the nearest thrift shop and get new clothes for disguises. We ran into one after I got out of the pools and I looked outside and it was sunny. So I needed a tank top it was kinda hot. I picked out one with a vest to hide my body shape. And beautiful black leggings with gold leaf detail of course! So we went into the girls bathroom and went pee, and then began changing. We told the people there, “hey after we save the world we’ll give you each some money, and also I’ll invite you to like all of the family Christmas things!” It was nice of me.so I got changed and apparently was putting on boots I don’t remember picking out, when I saw a creepy horribly disguised robot man (black and white) walking towards the store. “Guys there coming “I said in a hushed tone. I thought about hiding in the vented ceiling and crawling out but it was too late. The robots entered and started looking in the changing room. They looked left and right and were really stupid, but my mom started cutting off ones foot with scissors, and the other didn’t notice. So he just looked at me and felt my face. I tried to suck it in, in some places, and push it out in others, but it turns out he was just looking for sweat and held up his finger full of it. Even though we had tried disguises we still got caught. They started leading us out of the building but we stopped behind a shelf and they got confused and went away looking for us in there saying “Our innocents! Their missing! We need to find them! Our innocents! Etc...” do we ran out once they were out of sight and we ran for the parking lot. We need a car! I said. I looked at one that looked like it was woven in the outside and decided to ask the lady inside. “Can we barrow your car” I asked. “Are you kidding?” She said. “I promise after we save the world we will give you a million dollars and your car back.” Since I’m a kid she didn’t really believe me but I told her “don’t you think your kids would be sad if someone wiped your memory, and you didn’t remember them?” She paused. I said, “because my mom would be sad if we didn’t remember her, and that’s what’s about to happen.” She didn’t say anything so I just started getting into the car next to hers and I got really anxious because we were running out of time and the robots would be angry! I then woke up and found out I had slept like a rock and had that weird dream until 10:03 in the morning. But I think she was about to agree with us. I think we could have high tailed that thing out of there.