Date: 10/20/2018
By AJacobs
Well, some of the earlier portions of the dream seemed to do with pokemon and walking around in various suburban/not heavy city areas by a big body of water, probably Lake Michigan. (Later Edit), I recall us driving by the lakeside/Oceanside for a while. Some places I think corresponded to locations of dreams in years past. One was like a rocky valley that led to a power plant or house. The other was a building we saw from the road near the water. I remember once having that building in a dream at least once where it was supposed to be the house at Wind Lake. Even though it is too small and the layout was wrong. I also remember that maybe corresponding to some hide and seek dream also way long ago in a giant spooky mansion with gargoyles, cobwebs over old things, glass cases and etc. I recall hiding in a hanging tube or something. I think we were kind of really there but also kind of playing Pokemon on GameBoy SP's. My brother and some others were definitely there. Although I think at least the menu graphics looked more fancy maybe more like DS's. I was looking at various stat menus that displayed like the beauty contest stats in Pokemon Emerald. I recall swimming around, possibly with ROTC classmates. We were going to do water polo and one of the new girls remarked don't be like the school team because they move so slow in the water. I made some comment about don't expect me to be fast. ----------------------------------- Then there is the last segment of the dream which I remember more clearly, since it was the most recent. First of all, it was some kind of combined marching band with players in the uniform of my high school, in Marching Blue Devil uniforms (that are white blue and gold) and some white and red high school. We sat around talking in this grass field. Then we started to do a performance. It was mostly a simple parade block. But it went in various directions that I had to constantly correct myself. I don't remember any of the music we played, speaking of which, I only recall seeing brass instruments. There was one part which was kind of amusing that all the Blue uniforms (my high school) took like choreographed long point steps diagonally while the red uniforms (the home school) took like small steps but it kind of lined up. I'm not sure if our football teams were facing each other, or if we were just helping their marching band. There were only bleachers on like one side of the field... kind of... which makes me wonder, was it actually a baseball game? Football was kind of implied but baseball fits the field I remember. So behind the bleachers were trees. beyond the field was just lots of grass before a tree line. Down far past the third base (more like past shortstop position in between 2nd and 3rd) was a giant dark green multistory scoreboard/building. It was like four or five stories tall and massive. Part of it was like a cargo container that said PIANOCO or something in all capital white letterin (the school's piano collection?). Was that at the middle and something that implied a band room at the top? Regardless, it was massive and the trees were only like three stories tall. So back at the game, I was watching the game still in my blue uniform with some red uniform guys. Unless I somehow switched to ROTC Camoflague, because Master Sergeant Jacobs was there. We were between home plate and first base if this was a baseball game. I recall the bleachers setup being like a baseball field and the field I thought was all grass. But I have no recollection of actually seeing the game really. We eventually ended up on what was presumed to be a helicopter (I think I remember thinking it was a Chinook. We were orbiting (circling) the game while looking out a side door which would better resemble a Blackhawk. I think it was three or four of us, I think the other two/three were in the red marching uniform of the hone team. Sergeant Jacobs shook his head and said to us as we went by something about what we were doing was dumb and unsafe. I considered it and also considered jumping off when we were low to the ground. We scraped the branches behind the bleachers once or twice, make the craft and us tremble. I started to feel nervous. Then we hit it too hard and burst into flame as crashing into the ground. There is only the remains of a few pieces of metal around us, my brain never emplaced a full size helicopter (which wouldn't have fit the tight circle we were flying anyways). I was the first to fall off the skidding metal. There are bouts of fire on us and pieces of the craft. I immediately get off and start running after the skidding metal with two if the other guys on it. As I run I see fire on my uniform, which I think now is like thick snow clothes and gloves and I think there is snow on the ground and I may be wearing a gas mask or something to cloud my vision (I remember it looked somewhat foggy). The metal stops skidding and I start patting down the guys. I start to catch fire again where I pat them out. I see my clothes disintegrating as the fire burns holes through layers of clothing in select spots. I start rolling around on the snowy ground and start to unzip my burning jacket. Then I wake up...