Date: 2/24/2020
By TheDreamIsReal
Ho sognato un necromante che, nella sua sala delle carneficine separava in parti le persone (testa, cuore, polmoni, etc etc) ma le manteneva comunque in vita collegando le varie "componenti" tra di loro. Ad una di loro riuscivo a domandare cosa si provasse e mi ha risposto "emozione... paura". Questo necromante operava in quello che un tempo era una specie di "castello magico" ma nessuno dei suoi abitanti, terrorizzati da questo mostro, voleva aiutarmi a sconfiggerlo e cacciarlo da li. Anzi, se ne stavano rintanati nei loro nascondigli.
AI generated interpretation Based on the details of your dream, it seems to reflect a sense of fear and anxiety around the concept of death and the unknown. The necromancer may represent a symbol of power and control over life and death, which can be a common fear among individuals. The fact that the people in the castle were too afraid to confront the necromancer and help you suggests a sense of helplessness or isolation, and perhaps a feeling that others are unwilling to assist you in facing your fears. The idea of the necromancer separating individuals into parts and then connecting them together, but still maintaining their sense of emotion and fear, may suggest an underlying fear of losing a sense of self and identity. The scene with the separated body parts may represent a fear of losing control or being fragmented in some way. Overall, the dream could be interpreted as reflecting a need to confront fears and anxieties head-on, even if it may seem difficult or overwhelming. It may also suggest the importance of reaching out to others for support when facing difficult or challenging situations.