the organ man

Date: 8/15/2018

By salvo

I was in my dorm room late at night, so half the lights in the hall were turned off. Think of the noise your shoes make when you walk and they’re soaking wet (a sort of “squelching” noise). I started hearing this noise down the hall, so I peaked out to see what it was. I saw this man in a beige trench coat wearing a fedora walking down the hall. I couldn’t see his face, and he was holding a bundle of something in his arms. I thought he was fishy, so I started following him. As we walked down the hall, I noticed that he was dropping things. Looking closer, I saw that what he was dropping was pieces of human organs, toes, and fingers. He walked into an open dorm room, but I stayed behind. I continued to hear that squelching noise of his walking. I knew I didn’t want him to know that I followed him, so I turned and booked it down the hall. I ran into someone, and in my dream and OUT LOUD IN REAL LIFE, I said, “dude that guy has human organs.” Then I woke up.