Gym and crazy car getaway

Date: 6/16/2019

By Deafbr

Attempt WILD for lucid dream at 4 am with 6 hours of sleep (Fail) It was very vivid dream There was a big gym that have two floors, court on each floor. I am walk toward one of front door on right side of a gym, the gym looks like old and filled with limestone. I don’t remember, which it is daytime or nighttime before I went into the gym. I enter the door, I saw so many people include faculty and students. We did playing game and it was related to dancing or something. I never like to dance so I just sit on one of wall and exploring around the room that filled with people dancing. Sudden, one of woman (wacky brown hair with glitter under eye and she wear party cloth) come to me and tried to pull me into the crowd. But I stop and look at her, and slow shake my head as no. She looks at me frown then told me that I can join with her at anytime. I did nod then continue my exploring around the room. There was a stair on other side of room that lead to second floor. Until one person walk into that dancing room and tell everyone that we have LOT of foods and will play game after eat. For some reason that I was hungry so I walk to check food out and it was overload of foods on long table. I meant that it was OVERLOAD! For example, there have 200 bars of Reese cup, 500 cereal boxes of each kind, approximate 100-300 party size chips of each kind. It was ridiculous too much, I was in shock that there was that enormous amount then I did sudden grab Reese as my favorite candy. Then I finally ate some of foods and hide pack of foods in one specific area then I walk out of the gym. It was nighttime, there was many streetlight had light on around the campus. (T.A.) A woman with brunette wavy hair with brown eye run to me from the darkness and grab my arm then she begins to giggle. I was totally confused and ask her, “what are you doing?” She looks me in silent and smile as she like me. I tried to walk away but she keep hold my arm then I found a car to drive. She let me go and run to passenger side then sit there. At this moment, I think that I did woke up then went back to sleep but continue my dream as driving car with same woman in the passenger. Now it is daytime, I was driving in highway that was filled with construction. Then road become merge into together. It was one very rough lane, from 4 lane into one. So many cars crash into each other as I keep dodge all those vehicles. For some reason, I saw the bridge that is overpass of our highway but there was incomplete overpass so one semi-truck drive over the end of road into our highway. So I dodge it by turn left and we fall into ditch that look like storm sewer but it is so small that size of that was one person’s shoulder to shoulder length. So we crash into there, then we got out of car and walk inside storm sewer until we got under of incomplete overpass. It was chaos everywhere, same woman hold my right arm and her expression looks like so scary/horror as we keep saw car crash into each other and vehicles flying toward top of highway. Then we saw polices siren and we got panic so we run fast as we could. We steal one of regular blue car but there was nobody in it. The view was inside car then slowly move into bird view (above blue car, similar to GTA’s bird view version.) Then I drive crazy as I can to get away from polices but there was vehicles everywhere so we have to drive on left edge of road (barely have any room as almost crash into small storm sewer.) Then, I saw my 3 tires on road but back left tire was out of the road (above storm sewer) I was struggle to keep control the blue car. As I only have 3 tires on road, I feel really INTENSE vibration as car grind on concrete then I woke up.