Date: 4/26/2020
By levinelover
I was using Sean’s little iPhone 4, and the alarm wouldn’t turn off no matter what I did. I tried for hours! I was late for school because I was trying to hard to turn off the alarm. Even when I powered it off it wouldn’t stop. I went into every setting, even trying to change the sound of the alarm. Nothing worked. I was on an apartment with a room and a kitchen. Something was cooking in the oven. I decided when I got to school I’d leave the phone in my locker so it wouldn’t bother the class. I decided I was gonna walk to school from bathurst and Steele’s which would take 40 minutes even tho I was already late. I gave the phone to my tall skinny friend Elliot to try to fix it, he couldn’t. I was grateful Sean let me use his phone, but I hated it, and I was sure he probably had this issue before and hated the phone too.