time portal

Date: 8/8/2019

By kceisbrenner

at first i was at the cottage with some guy that was renting next door, but then i somehow ended up at this museum lookin thing. i find this time portal and i go in. when i go through i'm in the future and someone tells me that i can stay as long as i want in the future and only one minute will pass when i go back through. i go back and look at the clock,, one minute passed. i go back in ad everything is wrong, like the future has changed. the sky is dark, the buildings have collapsed, and there's no one in sight. it's a wasteland. so i go back through the portal and six years have passed instead of one minute, and when i step out of the portal, there are people all dressed in black waiting for me (dressed kinda like in the matrix). i run down a hallway and find a new portal that looks like a black and blue striped painting. i go through it and when i get out the other side allison from buzzfeed is sitting at a desk singing. i run down another hallway and into a room with a table and a kitchenette. maximo from my freshman sci fi class and his two friends are sitting at the table. i pretend to get some water from the sink so that they don't recognize me. i listen to them talking and they must have said something important bc i set the cup on the counter and run out of the room. the people in black find me again so i run down some stairs. i end up in some random kids room and i hide under the bean bag with the kids dog. i stay there til the kids dad finds me in the morning. he takes us upstairs and makes us eggs and toast, and then my dream ends