Date: 8/14/2019
By Rachel447
I was with 3 of my friends (the identities of them I don't remember) and I suggested we play a game where we all ran in a box and tried to free some woman from jail. But once we started playing it looked like one of those cheap free mobile games. There were four "areas" for lack of a better term and they were all connected by wooden suspension bridges. One was the jail with the woman in it. I ended up unlocking one lock, but after that the whole game ended up being just a bunch of cheating as we went around and around. Because of all the cheating, nobody could really meet all the criteria needed to unlock all the locks, so the game was just a chaotic merry-go-round that went on indefinitely. Also I saw my old crush from when I was 9 which was really odd. But he wasn't connected to this dream at all.