Secret Agent trapped in a plan about flooding a preschool field trip?

Date: 8/6/2019

By ItsABlackCat

The dream starts off where I’ve been hired as a secret agent to find out about some evil plan that has to do with this preschool field trip. I start questioning this kid who supposedly knows about it, at first threatening then pleading with him. He’s Mexican and decently good looking and about my age. And he eventually says ‘listen, the waves. They’re coming when we get there. That’s all I know.’ I don’t know what he means but I can’t get any more out of him, so I end up traveling with the preschoolers on the trip. It turns out that a wide age range went on the trip: a couple kids my age are there, including the boy. It’s a trip to this beach area. It’s a very, very small town, in the middle of nowhere, near a beach. Everyone runs down to the waves and I stay behind with the boy. I ask him again and he just says ‘I don’t know anything else, I’m the messenger not the boss’ and then I realize what he meant from earlier: the ocean was going to rise. I run down and start telling kids to evacuate, but nobody is listening. Then, as I’m on the beach, the waves start rising like crazy. Everyone tries to swim/run away but it’s like a sped up version of a flood. Like a tsunami but instead of being a tall wave it’s the entire ocean rising and trying to grab all the kids and it’s just... chaos. I run back up, the boy does the same, and I end up climbing to the top of this tall building. The flood ends up leaving the entire place in ruin, destroys cell towers and all electricity goes out. We’re stranded. When the flood comes down it’s like nobody can leave. I come down from the building and it’s like after any disaster. Kids that survived are being rounded up and fed by the adults, they’re being sorted by age so the adults can see who survived and who didn’t. Some little ones are crying for their mommies but mostly everyone’s silent. And sopping wet. Surprisingly, there’s no dead bodies anywhere (which THANK GOD THAT WOULD’VE BEEN TERRIBLE) so I’m guessing the missing kids had gotten dragged back out to sea. I climb up this other building, and I find that it has this net thing at the top. A girl and boy my age are there, the boy from earlier. They’re just talking. I say ‘care if I join you?’ And they nod so I jump down into the net (which is like the roof to the building we’re above) and I sink down into it. We start talking and us three become fast friends. We often don’t care about the others at the little village we’re stranded at and spend all our time up in the nets talking. I talk about my mission. The boy talks about his mission, which was simply the message. The girl talks about her little sister, which had gone missing. I remember talking about my brother (who had also been at the camp) and saying ‘he’s really good at video games...’ and then I realize that nobody has seen him at camp so I say ‘or, he was.’ and I get sad because I realize that he’s probably dead. The other two nod sadly but don’t try to say ‘it’s okay’ because we all know that this entire thing is fucked up. I appreciate that. Later on, it’s been like a year and our entire village is still stranded but we’ve basically created our own little society. We have farms and everything and it’s all going well. Then, suddenly, someone pulls me away from the village. It’s a good looking woman with brown hair. She says I’ve been chosen and snaps and all of a sudden my eyes turn red. I also get a dark cloak with a red interior. She says ‘wear the cloak to stay hidden.’ And so I do. Everything is normal until something happens in the village: the villagers start talking about this whole good evil thing. They say an evil red raven, in the form of a red-eyed girl (when they say that I’m like ‘well shit’) will come down and cause chaos in the village. The woman who turned my eyes red pulls me aside and says ‘the village will come under attack, but not by you. You must protect it.’ Then this thing starts attacking the village so I go and I use parts of my long cloak to lasso and fight it. After I’ve warded it off everyone’s screaming and a man says ‘she must be the red raven!’ And someone pulls of my cloak and everyone’s screaming at me. I’m low-key annoyed bc I’m obviously the good guy here. My friends aren’t screaming but they seem confused and a little hurt. I focus on saving the village from these things that keep attacking, which are like white wolves. Occasionally a villager will try to stop me and I have to kind of force them away from the danger without hurting them. The villagers don’t seem to realize that these white wolf things want to kill them. The last thing I remember is the woman with the brown hair rising above the village, now huge, laughing.