Training time! Wait guns—?!

Date: 4/9/2019

By KawaiiVixen09

I was with one of my friends. It was about to rain, and we ran into a building. It had a bunch of paintings in a mini hallway thing. There was more paint on the floor, so we added to the paintings. Then we were called into the lobby. We put in our information and went into the gym area. We got to the starting line. There was little foam barriers to protect you from something. Maybe dodge balls? Then I heard a familiar voice from super smash bros. “3 2 1 GO! “ THEY STARTED SHOOTING BULLETS! I ducked behind a foam barrier, crawling to get to the other side. There was other people trying to get across. They stopped shooting. I ran across the free area and into one last barrier. They started shooting again. “T-minus 3 seconds until nuclear explosion.” I buried my head into the foam. The ground rumbled, and a bright light filled the room. Every thing was quiet. I ran to the finish line. I wasn’t first, but I wasn’t last. I stretched. No one had died! “This concludes the test, go to the lobby to collect payment!” Then I woke up