Date: 11/17/2019
By pinkstar16121
In the first part I was in an office. I felt like I was in an episode of Seinfeld. I think Jerry was there. There was this employee, I guess he was my coworker, who wasn't feeling well, and he asked someone to monitor him to make sure he ate dinner. When he said that, an image of the turkey chili I had last night came to my mind. It was a comical concept like for a sitcom. I became in charge of that. I felt like I was a new employee, and I didn't know my way around but I went to the elevator to try to find the floor of the guy's office. Someone told me where it was. I never went in the elevator though. Next thing I knew, I was somewhere with my mom and her boyfriend and we were trying these different cheeses. One I particularly remember that she handed me a piece of was this creamy looking chunk that vaguely looked like blue cheese, but the blue parts were purple. There was also a little ridge on the edge of the chunk. I pictured exactly how it would taste before I did, a really creamy flavor kinda like the laughing cow cheese spread. It didn't disappoint. It also had like an herby flavor to it, and then I saw the packaging. It was called creamy herb. Next scene: I was with some other family members, two cousins, one on each side of my family and two of my aunts, one who was the mother of one of my cousins. We were playing this game with these cookies that all had names, which I think stems from me playing with my little sister last night where she told me the names of all her stuffed animals. It was really weird in the dream, and each cookie belonged to one person, so if we had one that belonged to someone, we had to give it to them. I seemed to have all the cookies, and I kept getting confused of their names. One cookie's name was Cupcake and it belonged to my cousin, the one whose mom was there. She realized I had it when I didn't, and she just took it. Her mom was also like the person who was trying to make sure everyone understood the game. Then, I was in my kitchen with my other aunt who was making this dip, which I guess I asked her to make. She told me she didn't want to take too much time making it. It was like sour cream and onion dip, but it had mushrooms in it, like whole mushrooms. I was spooning/pouring it out of one dish and into another, making sure to get all the mushrooms although my aunt told me that was enough before I could get the last few off the bottom of the dish. Then, when I looked up, I saw briefly like with my peripheral vision before leaving the room to join the others out in the other room, that there were mushrooms strewn everywhere on the table. It kinda grossed me out, and still does now thinking about it. I do eat mushrooms, but something about seeing them all over the table was just gross. Out in the other room, we were playing a new game. I sat in a seat that I seemed to sit in subconsciously like it was beyond my control, even though I was planning to sit like a seat over. There was this chair next to me that kinda didn't fit, and if someone were to sit in it they'd have like zero personal space. My brother sat near me, but I noticed that right beside me was an orange chair that said death. Everyone else noticed and pointed it out, and I was freaked out. Apparently this had happened before because I was like "I always sit next to death" or "this is like the third time I've encountered death." In retrospect of my waking life that actually holds some technical truth. I was recently realizing that there were two instances where I should have died, before I was born (I was an emergency and I had a loss of oxygen to my brain and would have died if I didn't get taken out when I did.) I also should have died when my appendix burst when I was six because no doctor could figure out what was wrong with me. So, yeah the death thing freaked me out. I have also been into Tarot card readings lately, and I learned that if you get the death card, it does not mean death, but simply the end of something and the start of something new, which is relevant to my life as I am in an in-between phase of my life right now, headed towards a new phase. Anyway...sorry for the long tangent...back to the dream: In front of everyone was a stack of candy that sat on these boards like you use to hold your letter tiles when you play Scrabble. I remember I had this king size Snickers bar. I also remember there was other candy melting into it, and it actually looked like an Almond Joy with shmushed coconut filling leaking out of the shmushed chocolate. The game was kind of like a game of Go Fish, but with candy. Then we were in some parking lot, and we encountered this really strange guy who we all agreed was intoxicated. He was driving too, which is obviously dangerous. The last part I remember is encountering this boy who was gay. He was with this girl and there was someone else there too. I think the other guy was his boyfriend, and he told me how he had dated the girl. He said he thought she was nice. It reminded me of me and my first boyfriend who is gay. He chose to date me because he liked me. Then they were talking about how he fell in love with a guy. Someone said they fell in gay love, but I was like "no, that's not a thing. It's just love."