Date: 9/22/2018
By em2002
sept 20, 2018: so i was in my room and my mom KEPT calling me and calling me because i was gonna be late for my new job at the pet chateau (i don't even have a job there irl) and she was yelling and screaming at me to get the hell downstairs but i couldnt because i couldnt find a binder??? like for some reason all 3 of my binders were in the laundry so i was like ‘okay i can use one of my xs sports bras that i never wear so they cant be in the laundry’ and tHEY WERENT THERE so i panicked and i was like ‘i cant leave the house without a binder’ and then my mom comes in my room all disappointed and was like “sigh. its too late. you already lost the job” and then i woke up ówò edit: dude bro i got the job at the pet chateau irl!!! dude!!! yes!!! i get money to play w,.,.,., dogs !!!