Highway stalkers

Date: 9/20/2022

By bluhamster123

I was in a red mini van with someone. They were driving and I was shotgun. As we were getting on the free way we are passing cars and suddenly as we approach a sedan on our left I get this eerie feeling that I know this car, so I peer over into it as we pass and and see it is two people- a man and a very old woman. Something about them seems off - they look tattered and dirty as if they just rose out of the ground like zombies- and as i look over at them in their car they suddenly turn their heads a perfect ninety degrees at the same time and stare directly back at me- not even looking at the road anymore. I get this terrible chill down my spine and quickly look away and I know something is wrong. The sedan begins matching speed with our car and we can’t seem to get rid of them. My driver tries to speed up or slow down but they just keep driving up next to us, and I’m doing everything I can not to look back over at them, out of fear that I won’t like what I see. Finally we need to exit the freeway so we begin getting over to the right and we can tell in the corner of our eyes that the sedan is continuing straight forward so we are very relieved. As I begin to relax however I lean back in my chair and feel a poke on my back and my heart drops into my stomach and I have a chill down my spine. Our mini van is completely empty behind us and I know it isn’t empty anymore- I know the man and old lady are sitting right behind us. Knowing there is nothing I can do anymore, I quickly recline my seat all the way back and feel myself crush against the old woman - I imagine she then would’ve grabbed me around the neck, but then I wake up.