A marauding death spell

Date: 2/21/2019

By emte

Setting: A cyberpunk yet slightly low tech 90's where magic exists. My group was told by my employer to lay low in a midsized city. He also told me specifically to start learning magic to glide, and more importantly to erase about a basketball sized space. I knew something serious was needed of me in the future. In the mean time, me and the group wanted to explore the city, but it was under some sort of martial law, as there was a death spell killing hundreds. It had migrated to the city in the last week, causing countless casualties. We got on a bus, and everyone on the bus was visibly shaken and scared of the city wide menace striking by chance. The bus began to take us farther and farther away when I began to worry - our employer told us to stay in the city! What looked like an angry pack of buzz saws appeared on the horizon. They just got to the bus when I got a call from my employer saying "good - causality has not been altered, and you are approaching the prime timeframe, prepare to timewarp and erase the spell" In an instant, the carnage of buzz saws and bus interior and surrounding land had completely dissappeared. Everywhere was blue sky, and far far below me was some table-top mesa. I saw a giant beast and a almost dead man on top of the mesa. As I glided down, I saw the beast was summoning some sort of death spell. The spell was a small version of those deadly saws I had seen rip up the bus. I knew in that moment that this beast's spell was the cause of those metal fragments ripping everyone and everything apart for years. The spell had gone awry, and in its programming, had forgotten to desummon itself when it hit the targeted near-death man. As I glided by at blinding speeds, I used the spell I was practicing to erase the space where the beast was conjuring. The spell simply disappeared, and causality had been affected. This time again, he summoned the same spell, and it killed the same man, but the spell knew to desummon itself. The marauding perpetual nature of the spell would never come to be now that causality was affected. I get time warped back to the bus, that was still partially shredded by the saws, even though the saws no longer existed. I felt relieved but I looked over to my friend and she had been nearly cut in half through the abdomen. She was slumped over and only a thin flap of skin and bone on her back was intact. She was dead, and I got up and walked a couple feet away. My friend D came up and asked what was going on. I gestured over to my bisected friend and said "she's dead", and D said "no, look at her". I looked over and she was still slumped, but mumbling something slightly under her breath. The bus was arriving at a hospital, and I tried to pick her up. She was still mumbling in my arms, but simply just broke into two parts and fell out of my arms and splattered and died. I kinda just stared in shock at the sudden death of my close friend, sad that she died so unceremoniously and messily, when she was alive and had a chance moments before. I had stopped the awry spell but it still had killed my friend. Even worse, my employer had known and accepted it as a cost of business, as trying to stop my friend's death would have affected causality and my chances at stopping the spell. There was no saving her, and I knew it.