The Guardian of Animals

Date: 1/12/2017

By QueenKarma

At the beginning of the dream I was in a spaceship and for some reason everyone had to abandon it and go to Earth. So I got into this escape pod thing with these two guys who were apparently my friends and fell to Earth to meet up with all the others (who were apparently also all my friends). We landed in a field in the middle of a forest in some unidentifiable location. There was also some older guy that was sort of in charge. He wasn't my friend. He was just there to keep everyone together. So once everyone got to Earth, we all had to find somewhere to stay for the night. Luckily there was a tiny hut-looking house the the older guy knew the owner of. So we all stayed there even though it was tiny and I found this kitten outside that just kinda kept following me, so. I kept it. Then we all went sleep on the floor of this tiny hut. When we all woke up we started to get ready to leave. I couldn't find my shoes or socks though even though I had been wearing them when I went to sleep. I also couldn't find the kitten, but I just assumed it left. I gave up on finding my shoes and went outside and my shoes, socks, and the kitten were outside. I was super confused because this didn't happen to anybody else's stuff, so I somehow came to the conclusion that the guy who owned the hut didn't like me. So we all walked through the forest and ended up finding a road, which lead to a convenience store. Everyone decided to go shopping for essentials, but I saw a parking lot through the windows on the other side of the store and decided to see what was out there. As soon as I walked out the back door, another stray kitten walked up to me meowing. So I picked it up because it's a free kitten. Why not? Suddenly a bunch of other animals began coming out of nowhere and I assumed something bad was going down so I ran into a nearby McDonalds to take cover. But all the animals followed me into the McDonalds. When everyone else found me, I was sitting at a table absolutely surrounded by animals. Not just pets and stuff, but like exotic animals too. Like, there was a gosh darn monkey sitting next to me! The older guy say all this and somehow knew that I was like the guardian of all animals and that I could speak to them. I was having a hard time speaking to any animal that isn't a mammal though. There was a bird that wouldn't stay inside the restaurant that I was afraid would get caught in the revolving doors, so I tried to get it to come back inside using a fruit Popsicle as a lure. There was also a baby dinosaur that kept attacking cars. I tried to tell it to stop, but it just ran off into the forest I was in before. So I ran after it and tried to catch it because you can't have a gosh darn dinosaur running around! Then somewhere else in the world Daenerys heard about me and wanted to meet me, so she traveled with her baby dragons to the forest I was in. When I saw her, I was all "Help me calm this dinosaur down!" Because dragons are close to dinosaurs, right? So she helped out and we ended up just walking through the forest and talking. Then the dream ended.