Teyana Taylor BFF

Date: 4/8/2023

By ModelLaDawn

Teyana Taylor and I met and became best friends. She knew I was going through a rough time & sent me a huge gift package stocked with all the essentials. “He’s an asshole” reminders. Food from her catering company, drinks, clothes, just tons of stuff that filled up my trunk. Boome had sent me something too but it was nothing in comparison. She also invited me to her concert. Boome & I were living together but not doing well relationship wise. Mom & Marissa were visiting & Zach had a friend over. Marissa saw all the shit she got me (that she had sent to the tanning salon I went to & Teyana worked at). Marissa told me that she was a great friend & to hold onto her. It took forever to bring in all the stuff she sent. Only one trip to bring in what Boome got me, which was the equivalent of a “no drinking” ugly fashion show items. I could tell Boome was holding back his narcissistic anger. He hates anyone having spotlight over him. And I have a super celebration friend that wants to me go out?! He acts like he can make time to go with me as an considerate favor 😒 but hopes we won’t be gone too long. In another part of the dream I’m at the tanning salon mentioned in a bathroom stall. There’s a jacket & some clothing hanging from the door. I notice there’s money & valuables in it but before I can look for an ID some young bitch tries to grab everything from the other side. I snatch it back and ask her what’s in it. She gets pissed & yells that it’s her stuff. It clearly is not. Luckily an older lady rushes in & says she lost her things. The one lying looks stupid & caught. I go off on her and give them back to the rightful owner. She’s grateful. Come to find out the thieving bitch works at the salon. So I steal some tanning lotion samples 😂 fast forward back to said concert night. Mom and I are in a truck picking Zach and his friend up. It’s daylight but the sun is starting to go down. It’s around 7pm and I’m worried since the festivities start at 8:30, I need to get ready. The truck were in keeps sliding slowly forward every time I try to park it. Eventually we find a spot it won’t move but that was a very significant part of the dream.