My Daughter Is An Arsehole and Hit n Run

Date: 4/25/2020

By Machman

My wee girl is staying with me (her mother and I are no longer together). She is attending a party at the bottom of the road and I walk down to get her. She is younger than she is now, still at primary school. Some parents and kids are milling about and I see my wee girl talking to a couple of friends. One of the parents of the friends that she is with is standing next to a car. My daughter's friend goes towards the car and my daughter follows. They then decide just to walk back home and I follow. My daughter then starts acting really poorly towards her friend which turned out to be Lucy, a girl who lives on the same street as me. She is making some really off colour remarks about God and religion saying that it is all nonsense and people who believe are idiots. That has obviously upset Lucy. I go to intervene but there is a boy now with them (I don't know who) and my daughter punches him on the arm. I've seen enough and I drag her away and tell her to apologise. She refuses so I take her away, absolutely livid. Back home I make all sorts of threats about what will happen if she does not toe the line. I ask her why the hell she said what she did and where she got all that stuff about religion. I know it's her mother though and my daughter would never say anything negative about her mum (or her dad) so she keeps shtum. I then try to tell her that it is OK to have an opinion but it is not OK to force them onto other people, especially when it's a touchy subject like religion. She is told in no uncertain terms that she is grounded as I am very angry with her. We are then no longer indoors but in my car. It is stationery but on a hill (it looks like Clincarthill Road which led towards the primary school I attended). For some reason I have to get out the drivers seat and walk round to the passenger side. I leave my door open and the car starts rolling very slowly but uphill. There is a car coming the other way and it has to manoeuvre to avoid hitting my car. My car rolls to one side and then hits another car breaking one of the lights of this other car. I get back in my car and make to get away before someone sees what has happened. In one of the houses on the road a woman is comong out so I think to myself I better get away before she sees what has went on. I make off as quickly as I can without drawing attention to myself. I remember thinking I have to get to the brow of the hill as then I can "hit the gas" and get the hell out of here. I notice there is someone behind me so I want to get the hell away so that the driver cannot clock my registration plate. Once I get to the brow I make to speed away but we're now in the grounds of a stately home or castle, possibly Edinburgh Castle. The road is now a path and there are a lot of speed bumps in the way. The first one is not so big so I fly over that one the car leaves the ground for a second. My daughter (who is still in the car) seems to be enjoying herself. As I drive down the hill it becomes obvious that I have to slow down as the speed bumps become bigger and more treacherous.