little girl all alone

Date: 1/19/2017

By allseleniee

This was not recent, but instead one of those dreams of which I could never forget. I was a small child, maybe 6 years of age, in the dream. I am unsure how old I actually was. The reason I cannot forget this dream is because I had it time and time again. I would be in the backseat of my moms car, just sitting there. No one was around but I was so terrified as if something were coming to get me. It was not dark and spooky. The setting was in daylight. I might have been in the driveway if my grandmothers house. All seemingly comfortable environments however I was still frightened to be all alone. I had this dream maybe three times until I broke the cycle. During the last occurrence, I was thrown back into the same situation; alone in the backseat of the car. However this time I resolved to get in the front seat and drive. I never had that dream again.