
Date: 7/8/2017

By SarahsDreamy

I dreamt that me my friend Lily and my Bf Jack were in highschool together and there was a huge bathroom with tiny toliets. there was a guy named Jimmy and everyone called him jerk Jimmy but I didn't know why. Next... My living room was in the middle of the school but my dream self did not question it. All of the guys stood in front of the couch with water bottles at there crouch. Just so you understand the next part of the dream I have to tell you before me and Jack were dating he had a crush on Lily.Ok back to the dream. The guys and a fat girl named Tiffany and Lily were all squirting water out of there water bottles and tried to hit the TV. I told Lily to meet me in the bathroom. about ten minutes later she didn't come so I came out to look for her and I saw her grabbing Jack's water bottle and at this point water bottle is just a metaphor for Dick. Tiffany had already stopped hanging out with the guys so she was standing on a table behind the couch I stood up there with her and pushed her right in-between Jack and Lily.Next scene... We were on stage practicing for a play and Lily and Jack had to kiss for the scene so I Waited till right before they kissed and then jumped off the second floors balcony and fell right in-between them. awkward silence filled the room I ran out and right to the the next Scene of my dream... that rhymes haha... I made it clear to the school I was dating Jimmy... Jack smiled then looked confused he asked its just for sex right??? I slapped him. NEXT!! we were at the school award ceremony which made our principal look like Oprah. Jack won the award most likely to be kissed by Sarah...(Me) Lily won the award most likely to be kissed by Jack and I won most likely to kill herself... :(