Portal to Alternate Reality

Date: 3/30/2020

By meeshell

There was a hole that would take people to an alternate reality when they fell through it. People who fell into it would become a whole new character in a world unfamiliar to them, while their original consciousness remained intact. The only way to get out of the alternate world and return to this world was to die there. If you died in the alternate world, you would return to the exact time and place you existed in right before you fell into the hole. The problem with exiting that reality by dying was that it felt just as real as this reality, meaning that your death would feel like a real death. Some people would end up killing themselves or having others killing them just so they could return "home". I saw one guy that was traumatized after returning from the alternate reality hole, because he had to kill himself to get back. I was curious about what an experience there would be like but was too afraid to go myself.