Date: 5/22/2017
By brookethegreat
First I was working at a really weird daycare where we pulled pranks on the kids and put up elaborate seasonal decorations. Currently it was decorated like a North Pole elf village. It was impressive. I actually thought we were outside at first. Then I was at some sort of office lobby, with several people working at computers at the desk but no patrons yet. They told me I was just in time to see the most beautiful man in the world, who they nicknamed Bonerface (a nod to Tazerface in GotG 2 maybe??😂). They said I should hide under the desk so he didn't see me gawking. So I hid under the desk and watched the reflection of the door in a conveniently placed mirror. The guy they were talking about walked in and he looked truly bizarre. he was pasty white and had the nose and upper lip of a cat, like he was wearing special effects make up. I was shaking trying to hold in my laughter. I soon noticed all the patrons looked crazy - they were all made up like aliens. Turns out the boss was just really intense about practical jokes! It was a weird work environment. I don't know how they got anything done. At the end of the work day I started walking home with several other ladies from the office. It was raining, so we cut through buildings, taking a slightly longer route. We were on a college campus, but not my real one. It was old with lots of brick buildings. I ran ahead of the group to the next building to spend less time in the rain. When I got there my lungs were totally unaffected and I figured I could run the whole way, so I decided we were racing and I would run across campus all the way home. I ran through several buildings and got to a dorm, where I saw the girls I was racing! I asked them how they got there so fast and they kind of shrugged and looked at me like I was crazy. Then I realized it wasn't my dorm, so I kept running. I got to a library (which did look a bit like the real library near my real apartment) and finally admitted to myself I had no idea where my dorm was. I sat down at a group of picnic tables where several other people were sitting and thought about a course of action. I could find a campus map, but I didn't even know the name of my dorm to look for it. I didn't really think I would recognize it when I saw it. I decided I was just going to Google "where is my dorm" but I was too embarrassed. Just then I overheard two different guys say "Ok Google, where is my dorm?" I laughed and did the same. Except i said "door" and Google misheard me anyway. it searched "where is my iorr," which apparently was slang for drug dealer, so I backed out of that real quick. It was very straightforward with the information though - I got hours and everything!