Digital art, As the protagonist looks out their window, they see a multitude of people staring at the sky, overcome with emotion as they witness large orbs split with vines protruding out of them, convincing the protagonist that it must be the end of the world.

It’s all your fault

Date: 2/8/2022

By SweetDreams77

I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night to some thumping outside my house. It was a dark but light enough to see what was going on outside. I think my parents heard it too because they also woke up and my mom and I went out in the living room. Robert was still gathering himself. I was trying to spot what was going on because I saw some people who looked to be in their early 20s running around our culd a sac. That’s when I noticed that Robert’s truck wasn’t in the driveway. So I yelled for Robert as I kept trying to spot exactly what happened. It was backed into our house, specifically our front door. Robert came out, saw it, and we all started to get worried. There were cracks in the walls. The door was almost broken in. I told my mom I would call 911 and she said ok, but before I could even dial the numbers the people from outside kicked in the door and started yelling. They were trashing our house and given what they did outside, their intentions inside could not have been better. Robert was trying to fight them but we weren’t really getting anywhere. So then I somehow grabbed Sully in my arms while the cat tagged along and I told my mom that I was gonna try to sneak into a bathroom and lock it while I called 911. I also asked her to join me but she said she was okay and that I just needed to call 911. So I went to the bathroom in the hallway but before I could even close the door, a man from out there, possibly the leader, and a woman stood in front of the door and stopped me. They said nice try so I went back to where my mom was. At some point I was able to actually get to the other bathroom at the other side of the house and I started to type the emergency numbers in. At first try, I accidentally typed “111” and it put me in on hold immediately. So I hung up and typed “911” this time. After a few rings the dispatcher picked up and said “I can’t help you. We are all doomed.” And then he started uncontrollably sobbing. And then I woke up in my bed looked around believing for certain that I was actually awake. I saw the cat and the dog at the foot of my bed. But then I looked out my window and saw my neighbors and all their kids in the culd a sac standing, looking upward at the sky, sobbing. I started to feel panic. And then I say a wave of people coming into our culd a sac (thousands of people) until they stopped in the middle of our street, looked upward and began sobbing. I looked out to the sky to see if I could spot what they were looking at and they were these large orbs that were split letting light out of them. They also had lines or vines sprawling out of the cracks. This scared me so much that I thought “this must be the end of the world. Wake up. Wake up!” I couldn’t. So I went into my mom and Robert’s room and they both looked tired and disappointed, in me. I went up to my mom to tell her what I saw outside and she said “what’s the use in worrying. It’s done. We’re all done.” And then she started to slump and Robert and her fell out of their beds like dead bodies. Then I woke up for real. But for a moment I couldn’t tell.

AI generated interpretation Based on the dream scenarios described, it appears that you may be feeling some sense of personal responsibility or guilt for being unable to prevent a negative event from occurring in your waking life. The thumping outside your house, the truck backed into your front door, and the invasion of your home by young people all suggest a sense of powerlessness and vulnerability. The fact that you attempted to call 911 but were unable to get help further reinforces this theme of helplessness. The latter part of the dream where you see people sobbing and looking upwards towards large orbs with cracks and lines may symbolize a feeling of impending doom or a sense that something negative or catastrophic is about to happen. This feeling of being unable to prevent something bad from happening could be feeding into your sense of guilt and responsibility for negative events beyond your control. Overall, your dream may be suggesting that you are feeling overwhelmed and powerless in certain aspects of your waking life. It may be helpful to take inventory of any areas where you feel lacking in control or support and to consider reaching out for help or talking to someone you trust about these feelings.