Digital art, Witness the chaos of a world in disarray, where a "Frog Doctor" works to save the lives of injured animals and humans alike, while being denied entrance to a hostel designated for doctors only.

Frog Doctor

Date: 2/13/2020

By MsBananaNanner

I worked at like this vet clinic of sorts, except everything was just frogs. Frogs everywhere, thousands and thousands. But then through some weird events we get puppies too (this part is kind of hazy so I can’t totally remember it). At first the puppies are super playful and trying to eat the frogs, so we’re all running around like crazy trying to separate everyone. But then like the power goes out, and there are these earthquakes that knock the lids off of all types of cages and containers and now there are animals everywhere. With no power I’m terrified of a bunch of animals dying, since some need heat lamps and such, and some are in ice like “cryo”. And some are still trying to eat each other. There’s nowhere near enough cages, but we work into the night trying to shuffle animals around until they’re all fairly safe. Before we’ve quite finished, I venture outside, and the whole world is just in chaos. We’d focused so much on containing the animals we hadn’t realized that the earthquakes had damaged everywhere else too. I see a dude laying on the ground and bloody so I run to help him. I’d been in like nursing school or something and about to graduate, so I at least new some things. I just kept running around from one hurt person to the next helping them as best I could or at least getting them to the hospital. There was this one dude who, I can’t remember exactly what was wrong with him, but I was like “I just wrote my thesis on this. I know how to help him but we have to do it now.” And then I like did some crazy surgery on him and it was super terrifying but I just did it anyway. I run around helping people all day and into the next night. People have broken limbs and huge gashes and just all sorts of things. I organized a heart transplant for someone and the heart came in the mail in a cardboard box..? Anyway, for whatever reason there’s a sea world show in this big arena in town (it was like horses and dogs performing but they specifically called it sea world) and me and a bunch of other people who’d been helping in the crisis are invited to attend so that people can thank us. None of us really want to go but we want to be polite. Before the show begins they line us all up around the edge of the arena, in the balcony, and then go around the circle one by one having us tell a joke about “tickets”. I was freaking out because they hadnt prepped us for this and I didn’t have a joke and it was getting closer to my turn and when it was I panicked and blurred out “so I bought concert tickets the other day! Guess who was performing! A pole!” And it was so awkwardly silent because no one got it and I wanted to die and quickly passed the mic to the next person. Eventually we all finished and the animals began performing. I talked to the person next to me for a minute about how weird it all was and how horrible my joke was, and then I said I was going to find a place to take a nap because I hadn’t slept in like 3 days. I found this nice lounge in the building which had been labeled for “doctor’s only” and turned into a hostel sort of thing. I headed inside but they stopped me at the first table. “You’re not a doctor you can’t be in here.” “I’ve been helping people the last 2 days. I performed surgery on a guy!” “I know who you are, ma’am. But you’re a nurse—not even a nurse yet. This is for doctors only.” I could see my thesis in a stack of other article things that some of the doctors were skimming through, but I didn’t feel like arguing because I was so tired. I just turned around and left. Then I found some random spot on the floor near a stairwell and curled up.

AI generated interpretation This dream could represent your journey to becoming a medical professional and the obstacles you must overcome in order to achieve that goal. The dream begins with you in a vet clinic of sorts, surrounded by thousands of frogs, representing the abundance of knowledge you need to learn and master in order to become a successful doctor. The puppies may symbolize the playful, fun side to the profession, but also the danger of it. The power going out and the earthquakes may be symbolic of unexpected changes in your life that threaten your progress and make it harder to reach your goal. The scene then changes to you helping people in the aftermath of the chaos, using your nursing knowledge to save lives and treat the wounded. This reflects your determination and perseverance in achieving your goals despite the difficulties. The heart transplant in the cardboard box could symbolize the dedication and precision needed for the profession, as well as being able to think outside the box to find solutions to problems. Finally, the dream ends with you being denied entry to the doctor's lounge because you are not yet a doctor. This could reflect a lack of self-confidence in your abilities and your feeling of not being good enough. However, the dream ends on a hopeful note, with you finding a