panic attack

Date: 11/27/2018

By cati3martin

i already struggle with anxiety,, honestly who doesn’t at this point. but in my dream it was out of control. i’m in my school. i’m walking down the hallway to get to my science class (which i am the worst in) and everything kind of intensifies. the lights get brighter, the kids get louder, and the space gets smaller. i break out into a cold sweat and everything goes black. i wake up in what looks to be the teachers lounge. i am strapped to this long board that keeps my arms separated (picture a cross). i start freaking out, but i can wiggle my arms out of the strap. as soon as i get up a teacher comes in to tell me i had a panic attack in the middle of the hallway and that they had to restrain me in here. i was shocked and crying at this point. he said that if i was feeling better i could go back to class. and so i did i leave the room and it looks like everyone is already going to their next class. i see my boyfriend and we start walking together. i try to tell him about what happened but he starts talking to someone else. then he quickly tells me he has to get to class and leaves. everyone rushes into their classrooms and for some reason i can’t remember where i am going. for some reason my backpack is gone and i can’t find it. then the bell rings and everyone rushes out to get to their bus. i walk out the school and i don’t recognize anything that i’m looking at. i’m desperately trying to find my bus but i can’t find it. the buses start turning on their engines and my heart starts racing. i don’t have my book bag and i cant find my bus. then the buses start pulling out. i go into full panic mode because i don’t have my phone and i don’t know my parents phone numbers, so i have no way to get home. i’m running around everywhere and i start hyperventilating. then i wake up in a cold sweat